Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week 4-5 News and Notes

Howdy folks,

I should just get a new blog called  Because if there's a recap before Thanksgiving, I ain't writing it!  I shall, however, give you a few thoughts between the time that I've mentally checked out from work and the time we leave for our UK vacation tomorrow.

- Anyone* can still win this thing.  Everyone is bunched together mostly.  And all of these players pretty much are great or they might suck.  There's really just no telling anymore...
- The first place Sausage King (aka Team Suspension) is riding high now that he's got Bell and Brady in his lineup full time.  And in more important news, he finally let go of his firm grasp of the trophy and delivered it to my house for Rosh Hashanah.  The least he could have done was put a Raisin Hallah in it or at least have it washed. (you would not believe what he was doing with it...they don't call him the Sausage King for nothing...)
- Steve is in second place, thanks to luck.  His Points Against total is the worst in the league. This won't last.  "Marvin" Jones is already regressing, Eddie Lacy is still bad, and Lamar Miller isn't doing jack squat.  Also, this is Stevie G we're talking about.  No way his luck continues...
- Steve also needs to change his helmet icon.  It's the same as Sean's.   I'm sure you can find a taco jpg somewhere on the interwebs, dude.
- Maine (aka Bacon Boy) ran into a hard loss last week, but is still looking strong. Thanks for pinch hitting with the recap this week!!!  That was freaking enlightening!
- Mike Cole is sitting in 4th in the early going, with a tenuous grasp of a playoff spot thanks to 2 losses in a row and major running back issues.  This doesn't feel like his year.
- Bradley doesn't know who the hell to start on any given week. 
- Robby needs to change his team name from last year.  This is way overdue. 
-  My team feels reeeeeaaaallly mediocre, despite the points scored so far.  Julio Jones is giving me whiplash....quite the roller coaster with that guy.
- Something, something, something...Mike Frank...something, something...most points scored against...something something...Russell Wilson's ankle...something something
- Falafel is on the board with a "W"!  Let the false hope begin!

That's really all I got in me.
Keep enjoying the football season  (not including the Dolphins) and I'll see y'all on the flip side.

The Commish

* "Anyone" not applicable to Richard Spady.