Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 3 - Power Rankings!

Howdy folks,

So, we are 3 weeks into this thing, and I’m finally writing my first column of the season.  (I’m not even going to talk about the Dolphins lest I jinx whatever alchemy they have going.)  So let’s run through the highly scientific power rankings, data-driven by advanced metrics as always …

10.  Sausage – Completely sucky for the first two weeks and pretty good this week.  Has Goodwin back now and Ingram back soon, so he won’t be in 10th place for long.  Also, this year he drafted with 7 different children in his lap at the same time, so he keeps upping the level of difficulty of that.  Next year he plans to draft from inside a wind tunnel with 1046 crying babies flying around his head. 

9.  Robert, Esq. – He’s way too busy with Marathon training to pay attention to his weak and Patriot-laden team.  If Brady-to-Gronk doesn’t hit, he pretty much loses the week.  Also, luck still appears to be against him, as he lost Week 2 for no reason whatsoever due to a recovered onside kick. Perhaps a name change back to Karmasabitch is in order?

8.  Mr. F - Mike Frank’s team has a bunch of above-average players, but there’s no telling which of them will be above average in any given week.  So consequently, he’s left with dart throws on starters and joy when they work out and regrets when they don’t.   My prediction – he finishes at 7-7. 

7. Master Commish – A thoroughly mediocre effort so far.  Lousy QB play, shouldn’t have won week 2, and a hurt Lenny Fornette all add up to a probably generous ranking at #7.  Also, probably went to the Larry Fitz and Demeryious Thomas wells once too often. (Also, still can’t fucking spell Demeriyous no matter how many times he’s on the team…know there’s a “Y” in there somewhere).  This could get ugly.  Already thinking about Labor Day draft weekend in 2019 and strategic improvements. 

6.  Richard Thong, PhD – AJ Green has been great and Aaron Rodgers has been decent and Dalvin Cook has been bad and hurt and Julio has been Julio.  And wow, otherwise there’s a lot of hot garbage here. Like steaming hot.   How the hell is this team ranked #6?  I’m going to write a letter to the Commissioner.

5. Four Feet of Bacon – Now here’s a ranking that’s probably a little low, but let’s give it another week before the popsicle party.  He’s got some pieces here, especially at WR.  Tyreek Hill can score 50 on any given week.  Hopkins is his usual stud self.  Keelan Cole has a great name and can play too.  If David Johnson could get going, this could be something….

4.  The Winner Formerly Known as Lemon Curry?  - Should Mike Cole be ranked higher than this?  Maybe!  James Conner is doing his best Leveon Bell impersonation, and Will Fuller looks healthy and studly.  But Kirk Cousins shat the bed yesterday against the Bills Bills Bills.  “You Like that?!”  No, no you do not.  This team is fine, but the top 3 are clearly better. …. That reminds me of a joke…  A guy walks into the psychiatrist, completely pants-less with cellophane over his crotch.  And the psychiatrist says, “Clearly, I can see you’re nuts.”

2.  Mazzlemuzzlecalifragilisticexpialidociousezian – Brad is in first place in the standings, but not in our hearts.  Third.  He’s third in our hearts.  At best.  He’s got a lot of interesting pieces to mix and match, but has:
·         The weekly Roethlisberger or Ryan dilemma
·         No Tight End (talk to Travis!)
·         “Allen Robinson II” AND “Marvin Jones Jr.” who are the same player and named without any regards to consistency.
·         An overreliance on New Orleans offence. 
·         No backhand at ping pong. 

2.  Love Falafool – Is Fitzmagic for real?  If so, this is a team to be frickin reckoned with.  The better Denver WR, Zeke Elliott, Theilan, Melvin Gordon…sheesh!  This team is so loaded, Travis is playing two tight ends for the first time in Chicken Bone history (Ertz and Graham).  Not to mention, 100-yd rusher Kerryon Johnson and Patriot-killer is on the bench, just waiting to tap in.   I don’t want to tangle with this squad anytime soon.  (Looks at next week’s schedule…SHIT!)

1. In Saquon He Trusts -
FACT: no newlywed in our league has ever won the Chicken Bone Cup, let alone even made the playoffs.  Seriously, look it up…   But if married life doesn’t get in the way, this could be Steve’s year.  He’s loaded everywhere but RB and has Pat Mahomes and Drew Brees to choose from on a weekly basis at QB.   And Saquon is only going to get better.   This is the #1 team in the league right now, and he says that anyone who says otherwise can suck his hairy balls! 

Good luck to all that have players going in the game tonight!  I reserve the right to alter any and all of these rankings tomorrow morning!

The Commish