Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week 7 Recap

Recap, Re-schmap. This season has gone from suck, to suck-slightly-less, to blow. Everything that was good and holy fell to pieces over the weekend. Let's try to pick them up a bit, shall we....

The Dane 81.96 Cobra Commander 76.30
Hmmm..anyone think I should have started the Saints Defense instead of the Bears? Just another example of my total ineptitude this season. Just not my year. Though I still has a shot going into Monday night, but the Redskins suck just as much as me. I felt dirty just pulling for them, and needed a Desnyderfication shower when I got home. On the inexplicable winning side, Dane Cook managed to not only win, but win his 3rd game in a row, forcing his way into something resembling contention. 7-7 here he comes!

The Expendables 93.57 Washington Redskins 80.48
Maine is in the win column! Sean renames his team the Redskins, as he loses to a previously winless/witless team! I couldn't be less excited about any of this!

OopsIWittenMyPants 80.12 Dead Kennedys 78.31
Oh the Monday night drama! Now this one actually was a bit exciting, with Steve's Karma finally enjoying a bye week. He throws up a middling 78 score and Falafel is just above average enough to eke past him, thanks to Aaron Rogers and newly acquired Darren Sproles. ... This was also the battle of Defenses with Falafel and DK putting up a 20 and 19 spot, respectively with Indy and the London Pats. .. But at least Steve didn't lose because his starter Eli Manning threw 3 picks in a painful Giants loss. That would have really sucked.

Hump or Death 110.33 Kwan of the Thong 77.22
Don't look now, but Little Brother Cole (LBC) is in 3rd place and for real, with the 2nd highest point total in the league. And he's doing it on the strength of...wait, really? He's doing it on the strength of the Texans crazy offense. The Texans? Really?!? The Texans!!?!! I am so sick of everything this asshole touching turning to gold. That's it. If Tamayo ever comes back, we're kicking LBC out of the league. Seriously, I'm sick of him. Fuck him and his family. He can go fuck himself somewhere else.

Creeping Death 131.71 The Wanstaches 101.57
Speaking of bitter...Hi Robby!!! If it makes you feel any better, you're not the one fucking up your season. The fantasy football gods are just against you this year. Not good times. ... Meanwhile, every time I write something about Bradley being a pretender, he goes and throws up a silly score. Maybe I should start charging him for my taunts....

Til next week, true believers...

- The Commish