Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Week 2-3 News and Notes

Howdy folks!

If you've come for a recap, you've come to the wrong place!  Just go back to Yahoo and look at the damn website for that.  It's all right there.  Seriously.  Just click around.  Also, you might want to change your password while you're over there.

Time for another edition of Rambling and Borderline Incoherent Thoughts from the Commissioner (TM).

- Mike Cole is in first place and undefeated, despite his obvious handicaps.  Boo?  Are we still outraged by this sort of thing?    Speaking of outrage, Michael also participated in several riots in Charlotte over the past two weeks, with the protest leaders calling him, "one righteous dude."
- I'm 1-2, with the second most points in the league and the second most points against in the league.  But it could be worse.
- Richard "Worse" Spady is following up his 2015 Auction Bitch campaign with another stinker.  The man with the Thong can't buy a win.  He's 0-3, with the least points in the league and the most points against.  It's almost like he has two kids under 5 at home and can't fully concentrate on fantasy football.  However...
- Sausage Party Sean won the title two years ago under similar toddler circumstances, so that's not really an excuse.  Speaking of excuses Sean, WHERE THE HELL IS MY TROPHY?  IT'S BEEN 17 YEARS SINCE YOU WON THE TITLE AND YET YOU STILL WON'T GIVE IT UP!!!  WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!?!?!  AM I GOING TO HAVE TO PRY IT OUT OF YOUR COLD DEAD HANDS?  I WANT MY TROPHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Bradley had a rather unfortunate weekend, as he traveled to Knoxville to watch, in-person, the Gators blow a 21-0 lead to Tennessee.  His fantasy team also blew a big lead to Sean, who didn't deserve it.
- Strobby is still in the league, in 5th/6th place.  They pretty much have the same team.  Can we finally just combine these two assholes?
- Something, something, something...Mike Frank...something, something...
- Falafel is at 0-3 and giving Rich a run for his money.  Must have been those gummy bears.
- The new show Designated Survivor makes me realize that it's probably for the best that we've never had all 10 of us at a draft at the same time.  That way, if the terrorists bomb draft weekend, the continuity of the Chicken Bone can be assured.  I'm looking at you Maine!

That's all I got!
- The Commish