Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 6 Recap

Welcome, my friends, to the new home for recaps. Not sure if this is a permanent move - just taking this thing out for a spin. Hoping that the new-fangled exciting features of using a blogging thing outweigh the Herculean effort of pasting in a url. (Look ma - pictures!). If it sucks, no doubt you'll tell me and we'll go back to the old-fangled way.

In any case, it was quite the crazy weekend of matchups, with big-time high/low scores, 2 near Monday Night Comebacks, and the incident with the midget and the gopher. So come along on a Magical Mystery Tour on Joe Theisman's leg. Nothing bad could happen...right?

Don't Tase Me Bro: 103.81---Massey Preneup: 103.19
In the closest Year-to-Date game, Stevie G squeaks by with a win smaller than his balls. After a slow start to the season, both Stevie and his beloved Giants are back in the playoff picture. But he should thank me for always being "right", which was the key to his victory. (Look ma - it's a riddle!) Meanwhile, MFrank puts up a C-note and still manages to lose again. Think it's time for him to get with Kiper and start evaluating prospects for next year's draft.

Flop the Nutz: 140---Falafel: 40
Damn! I mean, Damn! In what might be a first in our league, BrotherCole did more than just double or even triple up Falafel, he whooped him to the tune of 100+ points. While Falafel chalked this one as a loss weeks ago, it's still got to be a crushing blow to his over-sized ego. Fortunately, he's not going to make a lot of excuses. That's not like him. Meanwhile, BrotherCole is now officially the meat to beat....er, the team to beat.

Tight Ends on Crack: 99---Dusty Bottoms: 98
In any other week, such a tight game would have been noteworthy, but too much other noteworthiness for this here to be worth noting. What I will note is that worthless Fat Bobby didn't even bother to start a kicker and still won. But taking note, a win is worth one in the standings, so who am I to find fault? (Look ma - false modesty!)

Karmasawhore:48---Tattered Thong: 27
Robby was the least pathetic one here and came up with the big win. Can we vote on whether he deserves a full win for this one? I was thinking maybe a half-a-win would be fair. But I suppose rules are rules. Though there should be some sort of asterisk for this one, methinks. As for Thong, the less said the better. This is one of our lowest scores ever, which is saying a lot, considering the mental midgets in this league. He would have been better starting actual moss, rather than the Santana variety. That's his team in a nutshell. (Look ma - I'm in a nutshell)

That's all for this week (my win over Brad couldn't have been less important), but next week you can look forward to Rivalry Week! Cole Bowl 14! Gator Bowl 11! Thongafel Bowl 38! Don't miss the excrement...er, excitement!

- The Commish