Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 8 Recap

Busy day in the real world here kids, so keepin it short this week. The wheat of the league stayed the same with the top three teams all winning, and the chaff stayed where it was too, with the bottom three teams all losing. The crunchy middle is still crunchy. The facts were these....

Sir Loin 128.89
A Hopeless Falafel 50.96
Lead of Loin lengthens with large lashing of loser. Fearful Falafel flounders for loss five. ... This is the official farewell for Falafel's season, for he has become what he has feared the most - a non-factor.

Flop The Nvts 73.85
Don't Tase Me Bro 70.96
BrotherCole ekes out a lucky win on Monday night, with Denver's offense not being able to muster anything at home. He would have lost against most of the league and was lucky that his opponent only put up 70 points. He is also lucky that he doesn't get his ass kicked more with that fat mouth of his.

Mazzle 72.19
Punters on Roids 43.68
Mazzle stays in the playoff picture with this uninspiring win over a lifeless, bloated Bobby. Hmm...Bloated Bob...I like that. I should use that more. .. Oh right, back to the recap, it's matchups like these that make me wish that the playoff tiebreaker used head-to-head results as a factor. The last playoff spot is seriously up for grabs, not unlike a Pork Chop dangled in front of Bloated Bob.

Karmasabitch 77.00
The Barber 75.67
The nee Massey Prenup's luck continues to run south, as he racks up his 11th loss in a row, dating back to high school. If Wynn doesn't get hurt early last night, he probably wins. The big story, however, is that Robby keeps his miracle season alive the same night I have dinner with his mother. Really.

Plethora of PiƱatas 120.31
Touchdown My Thong 85.08
A Thong sighting! The Red Thong puts up his most points in weeks in route to a very encouraging loss to the Plethora of Tom Bradys. A moral victory for Thong - he should be very, very proud. Good effort son!!!

Til we shit again,
- The Commish