Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 9 Recap

No time for a Preamble to the Recapitution. We the schmucks.....

Floppy The Bunny 85.34 Punters Down Under 68.00

Well, if it isn't the black pot! Mr. Rabbit's Foot! For the first time this season, I call Shenanigans! Brother Cole moves to 6-3, even though he had no business whatsoever winning this game. The only reason the lucky bastard wins is because Fat Bobby is currently in Australia, too busy with his dick up a kangaroo's ass to bother starting Larry Johnson or Tony Gonzales. Instead he started Mr. and Mrs. Bye and lost. Down Under or not, that is a serious breach in Fantasy etiquette. They got the interweb down there - use it, fatso!!! Stop sucking off a koala and do your duty!

Sir Loin 88.55 Touchdown My Thong 46.53
9 weeks down, 9 teams down. Raise your hand if you've lost to me this season. Yup, that's what I thought. Hi everybody!!! Admittedly, I was playing the hollowed out corpse of the manager formerly known as Thong. But still, I've run the league so far, and show no signs of slowing down. No amount of jinxes or reverse jinxes or hijinxes can stop me. I've even got my son smiling and laughing when I chant Joey Addai's name. Jo-ey-a-dai, Jo-ey-a-dai, Jo-ey-a-dai!!!

Don't Tase Me Bro 112.77 Fassel's Falafels 61.42
Raise your hand if you thought that the Week 9 game would have Steve-o moving into a playoff position while simultaneously knocking Falafel out of the picture entirely. Thanks to Adrian Peterson (aka Purple Jesus), Steve is looking hella strong right now. He's going to be tough to beat down the stretch. Meanwhile, I don't care what desperate trades he makes or what imaginary poker chips he pushes in. Falafel is Done. D-U-N.

Mazzle 114.20 Karmasabitch 108.02
Mr. Malemezian is on one of his patented winning streaks and Mr. Feldman is on one of his patented losing streaks. How long either lasts is anyone's guess.

Plethora of PiƱatas 89.08 The Barber 84.23
So there's this rumor going around that Tom Brady was suspended 4 games for performance-enhancing drugs. It's bullshit of course, but the thought of that info reaching Tamayo's ears brings a smile to my face. For he only goes as far as the Brady Train takes him. Should be interesting if the Pats clinch home field advantage and decide to rest Brady the last couple games. He better pick up Matt Cassel just in case. .. Meanwhile, The Massey Barber comes up short on Monday night and thus ends his season-high 1 game winning streak.

Next week I start making the rounds again, BrotherCole tries to get lucky with Robby, Falafel goes all into Bobby, Mazzle and Tamayo jockey for playoff position and tacos, and Thong and MFrank face off in the toilet bowl.
Til next time, true believers....
- The Commish