Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 10 Recap

Hiya folks. Sorry for the late recap, but I've been home sick today, feeling rather flu-ish. (Funny, I don't look flu-ish). But Mongolian Death Flu or no Mongolian Death Flu, the recap shall go on. For if I don't sing my own praises, who will? I mean, I'm just that important to me.

Sir Loin 77.39 Don't Tase Me Bro 66.95
Some may call it luck that I win by 11 and Peyton Manning throws for a career high 6 INTs (-12). I call it good defense with a healthy dose of Antonio Cromartie. Yup, a Tennessee grad and an FSU grad teaming up to screw Steve over. It's no wonder he's bitter. .. He still actually had a chance on Monday night, but thanks to my superior managing skills in starting DJ Hackett in my flex spot, I emerged victorious. ... My undefeated season is still alive, despite all the naysayers who voted against me this past week. (OK, it was just Tamayo, but still...) More on my continued dominance to come....

Fassel's Falafels 83.90 Punters on Roids Shagging Sheep 45.08

OK, this is ridiculous. Fat Australian Bobby deserves a beat down. For a second straight week, he neglects his lineup and lets his opponent walk all over him. I don't care if I am playing him next week, this can't go on like this. I'd actually like to put this up for discussion, in light of his overall negligible league participation the last couple years. How do we proceed? Censure? Probation? Sanctions? Vote for impeachment? Please put your two cents in on the message board. .. Meanwhile, Falafel stays alive in the playoff hunt, if only barely, with a key (though tainted) win.

Flop The Nvts 81.43 Karmasabitch 73.81
Looking over the scores from this year and considering his respectable total points, the real hard luck loser in this league is none other than Humberto Feldman. For once his bad drafting, poor managing, and low IQ isn't to blame for his failures. He's got a good team and honestly should be smack in the middle of the playoff picture. But instead he's got losing streak as big as the tub of hair gel on his nightstand.

Mazzle 93.47 Plethora of PiƱatas 81.41
One (low) high score for the week, and Mazzle thinks he's all hot shit. Mr. Streaky is due to lose 3-4 in a row now, so I suppose he might as well enjoy it now. ... On the losing end was the not so famous band, The Tom Brady's Bye Week Experience (lead singer: Wayne Brady).

Touchdown My Thong 75.75 The Barber 67.44
These two teams are so bad, they make the Hurricanes and the Dolphins look awesome by comparison. .. Ok, not really. But they still suck. Thong a little less.