Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 11 Precap

Supplies! A Precap! With all the games decided and your trusty Commish leaving for the Sunshine State tomorrow, it's time for some premature recapulation....

King Loin 102.21 Retarded Punters 58.26
Corpulent Robert managed to set his so-called "lineup" this week, but to little avail. He was no match for the Mannheim Steamroller known as yours truly. Backing up my boasts of consistency on the message board this past week, I successfully turned in my most CG week yet. (Go look..I'll wait). All but one of my skill players scored one TD, my Kicker got me 8, and my Defense got me 10. Add in my rugged good looks, and ya'll better hide your mothers! I'm just too good baby...

Mr. Thongtastic! 78.54 Steve Got Tased! 62.00
Steve got "Manninged" again and somehow lost to the rotting corpse that is Richard Spady. And with no Adrian Peterson to bail him out, it's time for him to be concerned. Also for him to be concerned about, that itching.

The Karma Initiative 105.49 "All In" Falafel 80.89
Wow, thanks to a huge 4-TD day from Randy Moss, Falafel easily beat Robby to move within a game of a playoff spot. Wait...what's that you said? Falafel traded Moss to Robby weeks ago in an attempt to "sell high" (and by "selling high," he must have meant he was on drug at the time). Well, that changes everything. Robby got 8 frickin TDs from Moss and Owens...8!!! Easy and well deserved win for him, while Falafel can officially give up that false hope he's been harboring.

Tom Brady and The Mexicans 110.47 BrotherDull 95.52
Um...the Patriots are really good. News flash. And Frank Gore is really Bad. With a capital B.

No Country For Bad Managers 82.70 Frazzled 36.75
And thus begins Mazzle's upcoming 4 game losing streak. Buy tickets to see it now! Good seats still available!

That's all for now my Turkeys. A very happy and safe Thanksgiving to all.