Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Week 14 Recap

Hey there Michael Cole, Michael Tamayo, and Bradley Malemezian! Congratulations and welcome to the playoffs!!! Though your stay will be short-lived, please enjoy yourselves and be sure to wipe your feet on the way inside Thunderdome. Four men shall enter, but only one (hi!) shall remain. But how did we get here, you ask? The recap shall remind you...

Only two games mattered, so that's all that I'm recapping. I will note, however, that all 4 of us playoff participants scored over 100 points this week. Nobody is backing into the playoffs; in fact, this might be the deepest and strongest playoff field we've ever had.

Oh, and I'll also note that with this week's win, Sir and the Loins set a Chicken Bone regular season record going a gaudy 13-1. So suck on that, people that are named Robby Friedman!

Plethora of PiƱatas 122.86
Man of A Million Names (aka Steve) 77.05
In a choke job reminiscent of his college days, Steve got blown out on the last weekend of the season to seal his consolation bracket fate. And while he'll tell you that he's content with a possibility at jean shorts, he's lying more than Thong is about his sexuality. Though he came on strong later in the season, it was an ultimately disappointing year for Steve-o, considering the Adrian Peterson lottery he hit. ... Meanwhile, Mr. Tamayo is an unstoppable juggernaut at this point. He is unbeatable - like Ivan Drago. And he just killed Apollo Steve's season.

Mazzle 115.92
Fassel's Falafels 99.65
In a stunning turn of events, Falafel actually scored more than 60 points. Oh, but Brad scored more. Using a strong balanced attack, Mr. Malemezian showed everyone why he deserves to lose in the first round of the playoffs. He's like the Clubber Lang of this league - he's big and black and wears a lot of jewelry. Also, he's on the A-Team. I hope this analogy was helpful.

Got a meeting to run to, but look forward on Friday to Falafel's Annual Playoff Preview Extravaganza!!!

- The Commish