Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Semi-Final Recap

Merry Festivus Everyone! How about a recap of the first week of playoff action?

Chief of Staff 89.74 - Seek & Destroy 52.53
Bradley Charles Malemezian fulfills his destiny as predicted and gets unceremoniously bounced from the first round of the playoffs. He's officially the Tracy McGrady of the league now. .... On the flip side, your trusty Commish exacts his revenge on the only team he hadn't beaten this season.

Some game notes:
- Randy Moss 16.47 pts, Ryan Grant 5.87 pts. Trade winner - moi.
- Guys in my starting lineup that I actually drafted: 3 out of 10.
- Number of Rushing + Receiving TD for Bradley: zippy.

I Flunked Flank 97.64 - Forman's Grillers 84.25
The other semi-final was won by the semi-man, BrotherCole. He got big games from some unlikely players and ended up with just enough to outscore, outwit, and outlast the Sausage King. Well not outwit. BrotherCole couldn't outwit a retarded chipmunk with cross-eyes and a peg leg. But he did win and that is all that counts at the end of the day.

Some game notes:
- BroCole got 31 frickin pts from his Kicker and Defense (to 15 for SK).
- Appropos of nothing, both guys started a WR in their flex spot.
- Sean is still bald.

Lords of Bacon 88.90 - League of Morons 86.74
Sweeney Thong 111.15 - Falafel Finale 86.21

Some Game notes:
- Thong and Maine get to fight it out for the jean shorts.
- Falafel and Maine are deadbeats who still haven't paid their league dues.
- I don't care enough about the consolation bracket to recap it.
- I'm guessing it's not that consoling to these losers.

Good luck in the Championship to me!
- The Commish