Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 14 Recap

Now the real season begins. But there are still congratulations in order. Here's your inconsequential recap from the fake season...

Seek & Destroy 80.79 - Revenge Shall Be Mine! 66.12
Congrats to Mazzle for making the plizzoffs. I rested players, Bradley took care of bidness, and the rematch that counts is still to come. Will Bradley continue to be my Armenian heel? Or will he suffer the might of my slings and arrows? Tune in this weekend, true believers.

I Flunked Flank 98.67 - Losers of Bacon! 62.84
Congrats to Jermaine for edging out the Sausage King by less than a point to claim the yearly high point total. Of course, that's completely meaningless, but at least it's some consolation while he's crying over his Bacon. Also consolation is the fact that even if he beat BrotherCole, he still would have been boned and even more bitter than he already is. Maybe after he kills someone in a fit of bitter rage, he can be cellmates with his boy Plexico.

Not as Bad as Robby 116.47 - You're Terrible! 95.57
Neither of these fools managed to make the consolation bracket, so...uh...congrats to Steve I guess for winning his super bowl. And that's all the recap you get or deserve.

League of Morons 66.52 - Sad Thong 51.76
Congrats to MFrank for making the consolation bracket, despite, you know, sucking. And congrats to Thong for being as non-essential as usual. Enjoy your jeans shorts boys.

Forman's Grillers 88.55 - Fin 85.74
And finally congrats to the Sausage King for not only making the playoffs in his first Chicken Bone season, but humbling Falafel to boot and claiming the 3 seed. Also congrats to him for being bald.

Coming later this week: Falafel's Annual Playoff Preview Extravaganza.

Not Coming later this week: Maine's wife.

Cheers bitches,
- The Commish