Monday, December 21, 2009

Playoff Recap

Hot Damn! That was some action yesterday...

***The Indefatigable Wanstaches 100 Ex-Champ 50

In the undercard, the BrotherHoles were finally vanquished after all this time. And it took a juggernaut to do it. (Though pretty much anyone could have beaten BroCole with that pathetic score he put up.) The Wanstaches are flying on all cylinders and cruise into the finals with an easy win. 2 big Robby questions remain for next week's final - 1) Will Peyton play and how much? and 2) With a team so deep, will Robby make the right lineup moves next week? And will it even matter? Stay tuned, as we haven't seen this kind of supposed dominance around here for a long time. Congrats to Robby for making it this far - who would-a-thunk it?

***Mazzle 78 MFrank 77
Holy Shitburgers!!! This one was nuts!!! In the craziest playoff game in league history, Bradley somehow edges the feisty Mike Frank by a single point. I mean, Brad did everything he could possibly do to lose in the playoffs, and he was on total life support heading into last night. Consider this - yesterday in the NFL, Jerome Harrison ran for 286 yards (3rd most in NFL history) and Big Ben threw for 502 yards (10 most in NFL history). And BOTH of them - and their 65 combined points - were on Brad's bench. Plus he started Michael "Gimp" Turner, who ran one time, then promptly left for good. This was classic Brad in the playoffs. He was done after the 4:00 games. ... But last night, Mike Frank saw DeAngelo Williams go down hurt in the 1st quarter and Sidney Rice fumble late. Then Steve Smith went Ape Shit for Brad, and the rest is history. It was a Christmas Miracle! Congrats to Mike Frank for making it this far and getting his competitive pretzels all nice and riled up for a change. And Congrats to Bradley for exorcising his Playoff Demons (at least for one week).

Good luck to Brad and Robby in the Final!!! (And start buttering up your wives now, as one of you will be putting the Chicken Bone Cup on your mantel for a year, and I can tell you from experience that they'll hate it and think it's ugly, but it won't matter because it's going up on display dammit, because you earned it!!!)

- The Commish