Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 13 Recap

(Thanks to BroCole for putting this together, as life is kicking my ass this week. And any mistakes are his, as no fact checking took place. Good luck to everyone still alive!)

Here's your recap . . .

Dolphins keep hope alive for another week. Gators get their asses kicked. Texas gets lucky.

As far as fantasy football goes, no one cares what happened last week. The only thing that matters is who's in the playoffs.


Brad is in. If he wins he will be the 1 seed. If he loses with a Robby/Mike win and a Robby/Mike loss then he will be the 2 seed. If he losses with both Robby and Mike winning then he will be the 3 seed.

Robby: Based on his high point total, he's in win or lose. He can be the 1, 2, or 3 seed with the 4th seed very unlikely. Regardless, Robby is in.

Mike: Again, based on his high point total, he's in win or lose. Like Robby, he can be anywhere from the 1 seed to the 4th seed.

Steve: Win and he's in. A Loss and he would need both Mike F and Travis to lose.

MikeF: A Win + a Steve loss + a Travis loss or a Travis win without Travis outscoring him by 35.32

Travis: A Win + a Steve loss + a MikeF loss or a MikeF win but outscoring him by 35.32
Everyone else is on the outside looking in.