Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week 12 Recap

Howdy Folks - Welcome to the homestretch! Things are coming down to the wire around here (and that's not even including the very pregnant Mrs. Commish). The next two weeks will be key for everyone but the following people who are D-U-N done: Me; Maine; Baldy McMoustache; Bobby Bowden; Al Groh; The Entire Miami Dolphins Football Team; Turkeys. As for the contenders, let's recap...

Commish 88 Falafel 69
I almost listed Falafel among the D-U-N, after this lifeless performance. Even at 6-6 and 1 game back, he's hard to take seriously. He easily has the worst running backs in the league and he left his GM skills back in 2006. I really can't see a way he makes the playoffs, given the circumstances. ... Oh, and I realize I don't have a joke here. Travis's team will have to suffice.

Thong 99 Maine 75
Losing Matt Ryan about 5 seconds into the game certainly didn't help Maine, but then again, neither did anything else he did this year. So let's turn to the man in the golden Thong. Richard Spady is hanging around in his usual 5th place, trying to make the playoffs for the first time. He has an uphill battle the next 2 weeks, but stranger things have happened to him. Like that time in downtown Atlanta when he picked up that male hooker only to get him back to his place to disappointingly find out he was a chick.

Hump Or 98 Creeping 79
And Mazzle, despite the loss, becomes the first team to officially earn a playoff berth. Now he can start stressing about his week 15 lineup. Meanwhile, BrotherCole wins to virtually ensure that he'll get into the show. And I never thought I'd write the following sentence: Both of these guys will be jockeying to avoid playing Robby's team in the first round of the playoffs. And yes, it must be 2012, because the apocalypse is officially upon us.

Good Dane 85 Shaved Sausage 74
Glad things are back to normal around here. Mike Frank moves to an even 6-6, thanks to Drew Brees going ape shit yet again on Monday Night. In other non-related news, Tom Brady got exactly 0.87 points for Sean. So, Mike Frank is still hanging around the playoff race, but I don't think that a 7-7 record will be enough to get in. .. Meanwhile, now that Sean has shaved his Movember Moustache, I can go back to making fun of him for being bald.

Strobby 85 Strobby 67
Robby beats Sarah Palin handily this week in Strobby Bowl XXIX, winning his 4th in a row and solidifying his unofficial title of team to beat in the playoffs. He's just gotta hope that Colts don't decide to rest Peyton too soon. Meanwhile, Sarah has to hope she has enough left in the tank to hold onto that last playoff spot. She is hurting big time at RB, but will at least get Ced Benson back this week. Also, she heard from Brenda Warner that Kurt will be back playing this week too. And Big Ben will be back throwing to Hines Ward. So things are looking up for her.

Enjoy December folks! There's plenty of football left to be played!

- The Commish