Monday, December 27, 2010

Year-End Awards

Hey everybody. Hope you all are having a great holiday season, stuffing yourselves silly, enjoying the last vestiges of football, and generally enjoying some festive downtime. Thanks for another ridiculous season of fantasy football. Time to dole out a few year-end awards around here.

Best Team Name: The Foo Man Jew
Worst Team Name: Avathong

Best Draft Pick: Sergeant Shaft, Arian Foster (4th round)
Worst Draft Pick: Deez Bacon Balls, Ryan Matthews (1st round)

Best Message Board Quote: "I hope he gets raped by a deer on Thanksgiving!" - Steve
Worst Message Board Quote: "Yes, Arizona, the real Mike Frank will be in the house." - MFrank

Best West Coaster: Maine, for being the hostess with the mostest
Worst West Coaster: Falafel, for being MIA since September

Best Luck: Brother Cole
Worst Luck: Falafel
Worst, then Best, then Worst Luck: Commish

Best Waiver Wire Pickup: Brother Cole, Mike Vick
Dennis Northcutt Memorial Worst Waiver Wire Pickup: Jabar Gaffney, Multiple People

Waiver Wire Champ: Commish (45 mostly useless moves)
Waiver Wire Chump: Falafel (only 8 moves!)

Best Playoff Preview: N/A
Worst Playoff Preview: Ryan Grant's Ankle

Best Cinematography: Strobby
Worst Cinematography: Travich

Poster of the Year: In a down year for posting, with life and shit getting in the way of what really matters, I was tempted to just give this award to myself or Steve. But one person actually stepped up his game a bit, and I'm giving it to him. (I mean the award.) So a hearty Mazzle Tazzle to Bradley, who reigned over the Chicken Bone cup with style, grace, and flatulence.

Peace Out,
- The Commish