Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Week 14 Recap

Wow, that was some finish to the regular season.  It was simultaneously very predictable and very unpredictable - with an M. Night Shamalamadingdong twist at the end.  So what’s the last word on this season of parity?  Let’s recap…

Private Privates  92.86   Duck Butter   62.41         
Robby finishes out his record-setting season with one of his worst losses of the season.  I think his team might have quit on him and are just waiting till after Week 17 to give him the axe.   He managed to tie the league record for most losses in a season, break the record for hardest schedule strength, and shatter the record for how many marshmallows he could shove in his mouth while saying “Fluffy Bunny.”  So he’s still got all that going for him.  .. Meanwhile,  your trusty Commish clinches the #2 seed in the playoffs to set up another goddam matchup with….

'Twas the Middle One 98.84       Sad But True  49.12         
Brother Cole takes care of business, winning 7 of his last 8 games to make the playoffs yet again, despite only having the 6th most total points.  Cole Bowl XVII is officially on.  … Meanwhile, Bradley’s season is kaput after losing pretty convincingly the last two weeks.   The lesson he can take from his season is that…hmm…well, in times of….hmmm…that’s not right…he needs to draft….hmm…no…hmm….ok.  Fine, there is no lesson to be learned;  these things just happen sometimes.   So chin up, Mazzle – you’ll get ‘em next year. 

Free Pussy Riot 114.73   Bacon Cthulhu  63.72    
Steve cruises into the playoffs as the #1 seed, not even bothering to rest his starters.  His team is completely dominant, akin to the 1984 Dolphins, the 1990 Bills, the 1968 Colts, and the 2007 Patriots. … On the losing end, Maine learned that you can only subsist on bacon and false hope for so long.   They’re both gonna get ya in the end.

FantasyGodsLoveRobby  96.99  Adequately Paid QBs  66.15       
Sean had Cam Newton on the bench this week.  If that doesn’t sum up his season, I don’t know what else does.  … Falafel won big, but it was too-little too-late.  But at least he’s not making excuses for his season.  Only a complete douche-bag would do that…

Thongmetheus   149.70    Larry's Homework 64.35
So, in the least surprising result since Travis’s mom contracted Syphilis, Rich beat up on Mike Frank to even both of their records.  Mike Frank chokes things away and just barely misses the playoffs yet again.  It all went downhill for him after he destroyed me in week 7 and angered the fantasy gods by actually telling me, quote “I made you my bitch this week.”  He was punished the rest of the way for his hubris.  .. ..On the flip side, Rich finished 7-7 yet again, and yet again, finished….WAIT!... Do you hear that music?... in soft tones…Thong th thong thong thong… Is that Siquo I hear?...
I like it when the beat goes da na da na
Baby make your booty go da na da na
Girl I know you wanna show da na da na
That thong th thong thong thong
I like it when the beat goes da na da na
Baby make your booty go da na da na
Girl I know you wanna show da na da na
That thong th thong thong thong!!!!!!!!!!!!
At long last, Thong overcomes his mediocrity with a monster final game to catapult him from 7th place to 4th place.  All the results came up Thong this week, and he has now made the playoffs for – I believe - the first time ever.   Congratufreakinlations!!!
Can he take down the Steve Machine?  Which Cole will the winner face?  Will we have a new champion this year?  Will Robby ever get rid of that yeast infection?  So many questions!   So little time!

Stay tuned!
- The Commish