Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Playoff Scenarios

Can’t remember a season where there were still 6 teams fighting over 2 playoff spots with only 1 week left.   So here are more playoff scenarios than you can shake your dick at…

Short Version
Steve – He’s in.  And a horrible person.
Commish – Despite the 3-game losing streak and thanks to Maine’s win over Brad last night, he’s in. 
Michael – Win this week and he’s in.  Lose and he needs MFrank to lose too. 
MFrank – Win this week and he’s in.  Lose and he needs help.
Bradley – Win this week and he’s in.  Lose and he needs a lot of help.
Maine – Win and he needs a lot of help.  Lose and he’s out.
Thong – Win and he needs a whole bunch of help.  Lose and he’s out.
Falafel – Win and he needs a shitload of help.  Lose and he’s out.

Long Version (courtesy of BrotherCole and NOT fact checked)
Steve – In as the #1 seed.  Clearly the best team in the league and there is no way he can possibly lose the championship this year. 
Jason – Win and he’s the #2 seed.  A loss with a Michael win and a Mike Frank loss and he’ll be the #3 seed.  Loss with a Michael win and a Mike Frank win while outscoring Jason by 35.04 and he’ll be the #4 seed. 
Michael – Win and a Jason loss and he’s the #2 seed.  Win and a Jason win and he’s the #3 seed.  Loss and a Mike Frank loss and he’s the #4 seed. 
Mike Frank – Win and a Michael loss and does not get outscored by Brad by 21.3 and he’s the #3 seed.  More than 21.3 and he’s the #4 seed.  Win and a Michael win and outscoring Jason by 35.04 and he’s the #3 seed.   Less than 35.04 and he’s the #4 seed.
Brad – Win and a Mike Frank loss or Mike Frank win but outscores Mike Frank by 21.3 and he’s the #3 seed.  Win and a Mike Frank win but doesn’t outscore Mike Frank by 21.3 and he’s the #4 seed.
Maine – Needs to win with a Michael win, a Mike Frank loss, and to outscore both Mike Frank by 35.47 and Brad by 14.26 while not getting outscored by Rich by 1.99 to be the #4 seed.
Rich – Needs to win with a Michael win and to outscore Mike Frank by 37.45, Brad by 16.25, and Maine by 1.99 (if Maine wins) to be the #4 seed.
Travis – Needs to win with a Michael win, a Mike Frank loss, a Maine loss, and to outscore Mike Frank by 42.78, Brad by 21.28, Maine by 7.02, and Rich by 5.04 to be the #4 seed. 

Predicted Version
- Steve gets the top seed, as that’s locked in already.  He’ll beat Maine this week for good measure. 
- The second seed goes to your trusty Commish, whose team is rounding into shape for a long playoff run.  Final Score this week:  Commish 150.00- Robby 149.17
- The third seed will go to Bradley, who pulls out a close win against Brother Cole. 
- Brother Cole gets the fourth seed when Mike Frank loses to Thong.  Mike Frank narrowly misses the playoffs, while Thong finishes 7-7 and in 5th place. 
- That was almost too easy.

Bonus Prediction
- Steve wins the Chicken Bone Cup on December 22 and the apocalypse begins.  The Mayans were one day off. 

Happy Hanukkah Bitches!
- The Commish