Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 3-4 Recap: "The Fantasy Gods Must Be Crazy"

Howdy folks. Like Chris Johnson, I'm apparently only showing up every other week. Which is more than could be said for the Dolphins "special" teams, who are special like Corky from Life Goes On was special. But aside from Monday Night Debacles, what the hell else has been going on?

From First to Wurst: Bradley Malemeziamiaizuzzleian
A demoralizing 35 point week by Bradley's squad puts him in last place. His team name of "Disposable Heroes" is apt, as his players are all garbage. All of his guys might as well go fishing with Rick Sanchez and John Bonamego.

Game of the Year of Week 3: The Foo Man Jew 87.43 Stabbed In The Hand 85.59
Not the closest game of the season, but definitely the most gut-wrenching. Robby continues his good work of late, but it's at the expense of his beloved Dolphins. At least they were beloved last week. This week, not so much. .. In other news, Mike Frank should really have that hand looked at by a professional. (And I don't mean Rich's mom.)

Week 4: Sergeant Shaft Gets the...er... bad end of the deal
I could take losing by .15. I could take losing to Thong. I could take Chris Johnson being my lowest scoring player. I could even take having the highest number of points in the league, the most scored against me, and slip to 1-3 on the season. But what I can't take is...hmm...I forgot what I was saying, as I'm readying this gun to blow my frickin brains out. .. The damn shame of it is I really LIKE my team. It's really good dammit! Sheesh, I dunno...

Lemon Curry Anyone?
BrotherCole spent much of the past few weeks helping the homeless, tutoring underprivileged children, and picking up trash in his neighborhood. Wait, I'm thinking of someone else. BrotherCole spent much of the past few weeks doing Fantasy Football research. My bad. Sorry for the mistake.

This Week In Bald
Maine and Sean are both 2-2 and would make the playoffs if they start today. They are excited about this. They are also very excited about Tom Brady's new haircut that makes him look like a gay homosexual, thus taking attention away from their chrome domes. .. Also of note, neither of their teams are actually any good.

Luck of the Falafel
It's been almost as bad as mine. Look for him to make a run.

Steve, Actually
Tied with the Commish for the transaction lead, Steve needs to step up his game. There are still some third string running backs he hasn't picked up for 5 minutes before thinking better of it and picking up a 4th string wide receiver. Be better dude!!!

In closing, the lesson to take away from the past two weeks is the same one as always - the football gods can be cruel sometimes. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them all, and then you have...a shit sandwich.

- The Commish

PS. The Hoos and Gators sucked too, in case you didn't notice.