Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Week 6 Recap

Hi Everybody!

I have one semi-interesting observation before we get started.  (And no, it's not about the Dolphins.)

Through 6 weeks so far, the standing are completely aligned with Points Scored.  This means that nobody is bitching about being unlucky with head-to-head vagaries.  It's all completely orderly.  You are what you are. 

It's unclear if this is due to the larger range of point values resulting from the scoring changes.  Or if it's just a product of small sample size and many teams sitting at 3-3.  This will be something to monitor as the season continues.

Now for something completely the same...

Choad 162  Thong 90

Though not making up for the 2012 Chicken Bone Cup loss, this was quite the satisfying smack-down.  Rich is suddenly in a free-fall, all of his pixie dust apparently worn off.  .. Meanwhile, yours truly put up 162, while making all the wrong decisions on starters.  Would have scored about 190 points otherwise.  Sometimes It's So Fucking Easy.

Mazzle 87  Bacon 85

The disaster of a season continues for Maine.  And disaster is an understatement.  He watches the vaunted Cinci Defense be awful again, his old TE score 5 points more than the one he traded for this week, Victor Cruz's knee and career implode on national TV, Knowshon Moreno tear his ACL and be done for the season, and Zac Stacy run for 2 yds at a time and fall down on Monday Night Football.  The result is that he manages to somehow lose by two points in the most pathetic lowest scoring game of the season.   I couldn't make this stuff up!

Could anything else go wrong at this point?   Seriously!  Nothing else could surprise us at this point.  DeSean Jackson getting arrested for killing a prostitute?  Sure!  Russell Wilson goes swimming in a lake and gets his penis bit off by a snapping turtle?  Why not?!  Jordy Nelson winning The Voice and quitting football!  I'd put it at even money!  It's officially ridiculous.....

Shit-Stained Falafel 118   Mike "Bruce" Cole 95

This was over on Thursday Night.

Not even false hope is left for my esteemed brother now.

Meanwhile, Shit-Stained Travis is completely even at 3-3.

Robby 102   Steve 95

Robby "Haunted Fudge" Friedman gets on the board with his first win of the season.  But the bigger story is the disaster of a weekend for our good friend Steve-O.  The Gator game was a travishamockery of a stomach-punch loss.  The Giants completely shit the bed on Sunday Night Football.  And his fantasy team lost to Robby.  Robby!  Good thing he has the new Pink Floyd song to listen to on repeat 12, 239 times; otherwise, we'd all be murdered in our sleep.

Sean 145  Mike Frank  141

Oooooh, this one came down to the last 60 seconds on Monday Night Football.  Brutal!!!  Thanks to a completely and utterly meaningless pick-six, Sean somehow pulled it out.  It was a total heart breaker for Mike, who the universe could not allow to go 4-2.

The Commish