Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 13 Recap/Playoff Scenarios

Hey Gang,

As we head into the last week of the regular season, the playoff scenarios have shaken out pretty cleanly. But before I get to that, a few recap-ish notes...

  • The words "Close and Ugly" could be applied to a lot of things on Monday night.  The Dolphins victory over the Jets.  My victory over my brother.  My testicles. .. I'll take 'em all!
  • Mike Cole runs away with last place in convincing fashion.  His "Auction Bitch" T-shirt is on order.
  • The Falafel Shit-Stain Train to the Chicken Bone Cup took a slight detour in Robbytown.  No doubt, he'll get back on track this week.  With his awesome team, he can't lose!
  • Robby's victory and Maine's loss mean that either one of them can end up in the Jean Shorts consolation bracket.  I think Maine would happily finish in 9th place, if only not to have to look at his stupid team ever again.
  • Thanks to Hopkins and his Kicker-Defense Combo, Thong gets a much needed victory to keep his verrry slim playoff hopes alive. But it's faaaaar more likely that he regains the 7-7 championship belt from Mike Frank.  
  • Meanwhile, Steve can thank Antonio "Garbage Time" Brown for his win this week.  Is his team now back in it, or is this just a hope cock tease?
  • Bradley goes out with a whimper.

So here are the (not fact checked, and most likely incorrect) Playoff Scenarios.  These assume no unlikely shenanigans with point totals.

#1 Seed: 
Sean with a win OR a loss and a Commish loss.
Commish with a win and a Sean loss.

#2 Seed:
Sean with a loss and a Commish win.
Commish with a win and a Sean win OR a loss and a MFrank loss.
MFrank with a win and a Commish loss.

#3 Seed:
Commish with a loss and a MFrank win.
MFrank otherwise.

#4 Seed:
This is remarkably cut and dried.  The playoffs essentially start this week!  Falafel vs. Steve-O.  Both are 7-6.  Winner goes 8-6 and gets into the playoffs as the 4-seed.  Loser goes home as a big fat losing loser.

*Note: Thong is technically still alive too.  If he wins and out-totals the winner of Falafel/Steve, he can still sneak into the 4-seed ahead of that person.  Stranger things have happened. 

Good luck to everyone not named Travis!
- The Commish