Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 6 Recap

Hi folks!!  Happy Tuesday!!

Lots of dirt to dish this week to lets go straight to the recap...

Officer Jason 147   Mike Cole Swallows 126

A respectable showing from The Swallows, but just not enough this week.  He really misses Ben Roethlisberger.  A couple notes on my team, who despite my 4 wins in a row, is starting to show some cracks:

  • When did Eddie Lacy decide to suck?  Did I miss a meeting?  What the hell, man!?!
  • Every year I tell myself I'm not going to end up with a Patriots running back because their usage is too unpredictable, and every year I end up with two.
  • One of these weeks I'll figure out when to start DeMarco Murray.  This was not that week.
  • I'd sure like Anquan Boldin back about now.  Can we institute 1 free player take back a year?
  • On my roster is a Brandon, a Brandon, and Brandin.
  • On my roster is a DeMarco, a Devonta, and a Demaryius.

House of Rich  139    Frantic Bradley  103

A Thong sighting!  With help from the returning Alshon Jeffrey, Rich is on the board with his first win of the year.  He decided to go with the controversial strategy of setting his lineup and not playing anyone on bye or inactive.  And it paid off handsomely!  Go figure!

Fargo Franks 109   Darth Travis 99

A ten point win for the second week in a row, the Fightin Franks move to two games over .500.  That won't last.  Meanwhile, Falafel tears up his ACL playing "basketball" and not - as has been rumored in the press - at an orgy at Rob Gronkowski's house.

Winnebago Robby 113   Maine Bacon 90

Robby gets back to his winning ways with help from Lamar Miller of all people.  Meanwhile, Maine's running backs consist of 150-year-old Frank Gore, Melvin "0.90 points" Gordon, somebody named "Charcandrick," and 17 crappy Giants running backs.  He should have stuck with his old strategy of overpaying for kickers at the draft.  At least that way, he couldn't be too disappointed.  Even with Andrew Luck back, this season is deteriorating rapidly for Maine. Also, "Rapidly Deteriorating Bacon" would be a great team name.

Loser Steve 175   Bigger Loser Sean Sausage 135

In the well-deserved beat-down of the week, Sean finally suffers some comeuppance for his antics of the past few weeks.  About damn time someone took that motherfucker down!!!  And speaking of comeuppance, Steve is coming up strong.  His roster is stacked and only getting stacked-er.  I do not want to play his team any time soon.  Wait, what's that?  Oh.  

- The Commish