Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Love, Hate and the Week 8 Recap

Howdy folks,

Writing this column on a weekly basis has given me some perspective on all that goes into being a fantasy football manager, your trusty commissioner, and a recapper.  Mainly, I’m come to the realization that I’m out of ideas and this will be my last recap ever.  I’ve reached this conclusion due to a combination of reasons, chiefly being the amount of time I’m able to dedicate to writing the recap with the quality you’ve come to expect.  Between the wife, the kids, the job, the dog, the 3 fantasy teams, the new beard, pumpkin carving, and Virginia football actually being good again and ranked in the top 25, there are just not enough hours in the day.  And while I know you’ve come to rely on this recap to help guide your season, you’ll have to learn to live without it.  There are just more important things I can be doing with my life at this juncture.  But my door is always open for advice and my heart is always open to you guys.  Always.  But all good things must come to an end.  Now, without further ado, here’s my last recap ever…

Irony I loved in Week 8
·       Maine put up 123 points on Thong, but he ended up losing by 9 because his boy Larry Fitzgerald had his best game all year.  After scoring his touchdown, Fitz uncharacteristically spiked the ball to rub Maine’s face in it for ever doubting him.  Maine lost his 5th game in a row to fall into last place and Auction Bitch pole position.  Also of note, Auction Bitch Pole Position was my favorite racing video game for the JORBUS gaming system from Montgemory Ward.

Irony I hated in Week 8
·       I put up 123 points on Mazzle, but I still ended up losing by 9 because J. Winston wouldn’t stop throwing interceptions and Njoku caught exactly as many passes as my dog.  Meanwhile the guys I actually drafted were fine and dandy and healthy and busy scoring points on my bench - Carson Wentz threw 3 touchdowns and Evan Engram scored 11 points. All for nothing. It’s the 2nd week in a row that I lost for being a shitty manager.  On the flip side, Mazzle is back in the win column and holding onto 4th place for dear life.  God I hate him. 

Quarterbacks I loved in Week 8
·       Carson Wentz, who threw a pass to himself and scored even more invaluable points for my bench.  (And by invaluable, I mean not valuable.  Useless.  Inuseless.)
·       Shane Falco
·       Bryce Perkins!

Quarterbacks I hated in Week 8
·       Brock Osweiler
·       Ryan Tannehill
·       Jameis Winston
·       Jameis Winston
·       Jameis Winston
·       Jameis Winston  (1 for each fucking interception)

Teams I loved in Week 8
·       Whodafucares?  Robby does!  Firstly, he made a rare trade with me (first one ever?) this week, and unlike the ones my brother offers him and everyone else, it was a fair one.  Then he goes onto defeat said brother Cole thanks partially to his boy Lamar Miller’s best game of the season.   Meanwhile, Cole the younger drops his third in a row and would have been better starting character actor John C. Reilly on defense instead of Baltimore.  Both Robby and Cole the uglier are 3-5 and actually sort in this thing.  “Actually Sort of In this Thing” – title of Robby’s sex tape. 

Teams I hated in Week 8
·       Mr. Frank and Falafool in the most lopsided matchup of the week, but not in the way you’d expect.  With zero points out of the TE position, Mr. F put up a 178 spot and vaulted into 3rd place with his 4th win in a row.  Meanwhile, Falafel had Zeke and Melvin on bye, so there are surely better days ahead.  The “Zeke and Melvin” is also the name of a new sex act Travis has been trying to get his wife to go for, but she is having NONE of it. 
·       Ambassador of Steve losing by 2 because he started Geronimo “1 catch” Allison for some strange reason.  What the heck dude?  Just because you traded for him, doesn’t mean you have to start him!  I mean, he still outscored “No Catch” Njoku, but still…  I really needed you to get the win against the Snausages King.  Sean is climbing hard up the standings and is looking to take this mutha home.  Maaaannn…If I have to give the trophy BACK to him AGAIN, I’m going to cut a bitch.  Speaking of which…

Owners I’d love to win the Chicken Bone Cup in 2018
·         The Commish
·         Me
·         Me!
·         No really, me.
·         If not me, then Steve
·         If not Steve, then Robby
·         If not Robby, then Thong

Owners I’d hate to win the Chicken Bone Cup in 2018
·         Sausage
·         MikeCole
·         Falafel
·         Dan Snyder

TV Shows I Love
·         Game of Thrones
·         Better Call Saul
·         The Good Place
·         Billions
·         Brooklyn Nine-Nine

TV Shows I Hate
·         Anything involving cooking competitions
·         Anything involving the words “Law” or “Order”
·         Anything involving people pretending to buy houses
·         Anything involving the words “Real” or “Housewives”
·         Anything involving the Miami Dolphins

5-ways I love
·         Cincinnati Chili
·         The Spice Girls

5-ways I hate
·       So… there’s a 5-way tie for first place right now with identical 5-3 records for Steve, Falafel, Mr. Frank, Mazzle, and Sausage.  And as the only 4-4 team that also kind of sucks, that kind of sucks.  As has been the case for the last couple years, there’s some big-time parity our league thanks to the rise in advanced statistical drafting and waiver methodology.  Everyone has a fleet of unpaid interns from MIT or Cal Tech at their disposal, and the gap has narrowed significantly between the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots.”   We still have 6 weeks to go, but this is the time to squeeze every point out of your lineups, because something is coming down to a tiebreak and it ain’t gonna be pretty.

So that’s the Week 8 recap.  And after thinking about it some more and appreciating the outpouring of support from letters and emails and tweets, from all of my friends and relatives and fans and coworkers, I’ve decided to continue doing The Chicken Bone Recap.  I love this column and all of you.  Seriously, what's more important than fantasy football?!  Nothing!  That's what!  Good luck in Week 9 motherfuckers!!!

- The Commish