Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 7 Recap - "Well, Now What?"

Who do you fire?
Who do you blame?
There's no one to hire.
There's nothing but shame.

It's not bad karma,
It's not bad luck.
Fuck a squirrel,
Fuck a duck.

Lions and Dolphins,
Giants, Redskins, and Raiders.
All of them losers,
Or mid-season faders.

The Gators and Hoos,
More bad news.
NBA's canceled,
Can't even choose.

Steelers are winning,
Good for you Sean.
Your team's 1 and 6,
So go blow a prawn.

No love in the standings,
No love on the grass.
Don't have Sage
To even harass.

Season's half over,
This sucks my friend.
Nothing to do
but wait for the end.

Major Blowhard 32.18 The Choot Spas 91.06
I'd like to remind people how pathetic Rich's 35 points were last week. Man, I still can't get over that. How do you only score 35 points in this league?! What a maroon!!! ... Also, there was a stat correction and Robby lost last week. Couldn't have happened to a nicer asshole.

A Tiger in Africa? 82.36 FrayedEndsofSanity 84.65
Tough loss for the Dukies. Big matchup against the Choot Spas next week. Bradley get some false hope.

Stupid Yard Marker 80.41 The Electric Bacon 97.10
Maine continues his march to the playoffs. Sean continues his march to Wegmans.

Squirrelfucker Jones 54.07 Falafel 1st Class 77.12
At least try to get the squirrel drunk first. That's all I'm sayin here.

The Goy's Teeth 72.78 Captain Amerithong 82.90
I'm now officially rooting for Frenchy McThong to make the playoffs and win it all for no reason whatsoever. (Although his plan to do the opposite from now on may preclude him from starting Drew Brees against St Louis this week.)

Fookin A,
- The Commish