Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Week 8 Recap - "Predictable"

Except for the Rams somehow beating the Saints, that was pretty much the most completely and utterly predictable weekend of football so far this year. Same goes for our league....

The Goy's Teeth 86.33 - Major Blowhard 76.18
OK, while it wasn't at all shocking that Rivers would suck yet again and screw me yet again, I still can't believe I lost to this guy. I mean, look at him!!!

A Tiger in Africa? 93.16 - The Choot Spas 67.30
No surpises here either, unless you count Robby starting Brian Hartline at WR. This was like Duke beating Maryland in basketball. Nobody is batting an eye when Duke wins by a score of 93-67.

FrayedEndsofSanity 83.97 - Stupid Yard Marker 78.85
So the last place team that has most of his players hurt and/or on bye and is 1-6 on the season and is bald...that team loses? Who would have thunk it?!! I mean, slap my ass and call me Nancy, I didn't see that one coming!

Squirrelfucker Jones 88.35 - The Electric Bacon 80.52
Guess this one could have gone either way, but with Aaron Rodgers on bye and Steve having that leprechaun shoved way way up his ass, no big twist ending on this one either. That 3.72 points from Joe "Flacid" Flacco really wasn't going to help too much there, hoss.

Falafel 1st Class 118.87 - Captain Amerithong 68.78
Ho hum. Travis puts up another big point total and Rich is his bitch as usual.

Oh, and I padded this recap with pictures because I'm bitter and lazy. Like I said - Predictable.

- The Commish